Ace Hardware
Phone Number
Business Address
7 S. State Street
St. Ignace, MI 49781
Open Year Round
Paint, housewares, plumbing, marine, camping, hunting, fishing, and RV supplies. Bicycles, automotive, pet supplies, and toys. Hunting and fishing licenses. On the Boardwalk.
Adventure U.P. North
Business Address
322 N. State Street
St Ignace, MI 49781
Open Year Round
Boardwalk Coffee & General Store
Phone Number
Business Address
132 South State Street, St. Ignace, Michigan 49781
Open Year Round
Come try the the latest coffee, teas, and lattes in the UP at Boardwalk Coffee & General Store. Our cozy cafe offers a wide selection of specialty beverages and delightful treats to start your day or enjoy a relaxing break. Experience the perfect blend of quality and flavor in every sip and bite.
Das Gift Haus
Phone Number
Business Address
266 N. State St.
St. Ignace, MI 49781
Open Year Round
Das Gift Haus has gifts for any occasion and for the whole family. We offer free gift wrap for any occasion. We can ship items anywhere in the U.S. Established in 1971. Open 363 days a year.
Gold Mine Jewelry
Phone Number
Business Address
280 N. State St.
St. Ignace, MI 49781
Open Year Round
Established in the spring of 1986, the Gold Mine has been the Straits of Mackinac area's 'go-to' store when looking for fine quality jewelry at reasonable prices.
Gustafson’s Smoked Fish
Phone Number
Business Address
W4467 US-2
Brevort, MI 49760
Open Year Round
Gustafson’s Smoked Fish Inc., in Brevort, MI is a convenience and party store that offers a vast selection of quality and affordable foods and beverages.
Indian Village
Phone Number
Business Address
499 N. State St.
St. Ignace, MI 49781
Open Seasonally
A classic of picturesque tourism. Neon and wooden teepees plus the huge souvenir warehouse. The long building is faced with cedar bark and inside it is wallpapered with birch bark decorated with pictographs of arrows, animals, canoes, and headdresses. This building from 1977 resembles the 1927 landmark which it replaced. Gifts, shirts and souvenirs.
Kings Fish Market and Restaurant
Phone Number
Business Address
4035 N. M-123
Moran, MI 49760
Open Year Round
Our store carries the finest fresh and smoked fish products, caught locally and prepared right here in our own store.
Lone Wolf Gifts
Phone Number
Business Address
1002 N. State St.
St. Ignace, MI 49781
Open Seasonally
Native American crafts,including turquoise jewelry,bead work,and snakeskin items.Handmade leather purses and pouches.Native grown and harvested wild rice. Holistic supplements including locally harvested chaga.
Mackinac Fudge Shop
Toll Free
Business Address
1001 N. State St.
St. Ignace, MI 49781
Open Year Round
We're a family company that believes that the sweetest treats are made by hand, with love, and can't be found rolling off an assembly line. We make all of our products with the highest quality and freshest ingredients available. No preservatives are used in making any of our products.