
Wawatam Light

The Wawatam Lighthouse has a history unlike any other. Originally built in 1998 as a travel icon for the Michigan Welcome Center in Monroe, Michigan, the lighthouse served as a welcoming landmark for visitors entering the state. However, when the Welcome Center underwent renovations in 2004, the lighthouse needed a new home. St. Ignace was chosen as its next destination, and the structure made the journey north in five separate pieces.

For a time, the lighthouse remained on the Chief Wawatam Dock, waiting for its new platform to be constructed. Before its installation, the lighthouse received a fresh coat of paint—bright white with red accents, replacing its original red, white, and green colors. Finally, in June 2006, a crane reassembled the lighthouse at its new location. With everything in place, it was ready to shine—awaiting only U.S. Coast Guard certification.

The lighthouse is named after the Chief Wawatam, a railroad ferry that operated from 1911 to the mid-1980s at this very dock. As you approach the lighthouse, you’ll pass by the ferry’s old lift gate, a reminder of the area’s maritime past.

The Wawatam Lighthouse beacon was first lit on August 20, 2006. Its 250-millimeter Fresnel lens casts light in a 152-degree arc, visible for over 13 miles across Lake Huron. Officially designated as an aid to navigation, the Coast Guard measures its height as 62 feet from the water, though the tower itself stands 52 feet tall. Even in winter, its light shines to help guide snowmobilers crossing the frozen lake.

For those looking to visit, you can find the lighthouse east of McCann Street, standing proudly over the Straits of Mackinac. Its GPS coordinates are 45-051-19.700 N by 084-42-09.000 W—but trust us, it’s much easier to find in person!

For more information on lighthouses in Michigan, please visit the Great Lakes Lighthouse Keeper’s Association website.