
Cheboygan Crib Light

The Cheboygan Crib Light was originally erected in 1884 on an timber crib approximately 1/8-mile beyond the end of a pier to mark the outer end of the dredged channel into the Cheboygan River. First lit in November 1884, the light was a welcome sign for navigators as they made their way into Cheboygan.

Lighthouse Service members stationed at the Cheboygan Front Range Light were charged with rowing out to the light daily to keep it illuminated at night. In 1897, a small dwelling was built onto the crib to provide shelter in inclement weather. When the light was automated in 1929, locals began referring to it as “The Dummy,” as it no longer required a constant human presence.

When the crib deteriorated severely in the 1980’s, the Coast Guard announced its intention to scrap the building, dynamite the crib, and replace it with a red buoy. In 1984 the City convinced the Coast Guard to relocate the tower to the foot of the pier in Gordon Turner Park, where it sits to this day. If you would like to see the interior of this lighthouse, volunteers at the Cheboygan Front Range light will be happy to give tours of the Crib Light.

For more information on lighthouses in Michigan, please visit the Great Lakes Lighthouse Keeper’s Association website.